“Brotox” – a hot topic in dermatology

We’ve all heard about Botox Cosmetic, but did you know the hottest rising consumer for this procedure is men? In recent articles and news stories it’s been reported that there’s been a stunning 258% rise in the number of men undergoing Botox treatments – now commonly referred to as ‘Brotox’ – between 2000 and 2010. In 2010 alone just under 350,000 males received some form of Botox treatment. (This could be for cosmetic use on the face, or commonly men receive Botox for hyperhydrosis – excessive sweating.)

While there are still huge differences in the way that Botox is used by the two sexes – women tend to do more of a complete skin overhaul when getting the procedure done and often opt to have fillers done as well, while men are more apt to go for some of the more subtle processes. It is clear that men are getting much warmer to the idea of cosmetic services and are particularly enamored with Botox’s quick recovery time, the procedure’s temporary aspect (it will wear off and one could opt not to do it again), and its lack of invasiveness when compared to other cosmetic surgeries.

So don’t be surprised if your husband or boyfriend asks to tag along to your next Botox appointment with us. And if he hasn’t mentioned it, maybe you could drop a hint that ‘Brotox’ is the new go-to service for men.


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