Dr. Rueckl doesn’t recommend permanent fillers or implants. He says, “I have taken out so many problem ones over the years, I probably couldn’t even begin to count. It seems likebadimplants copy a good idea, until you realize that as your body ages naturally, your face, lips, etc. do change shape, even slightly, and putting something permanent in there does not allow the body to do this.”
Even though this seems like a good idea at first, your body will naturally change over the years, including your facial structure. What happens is the body contorts around the permanent filler or implant and people end up looking slightly deformed. It’s much better to be able to inject fillers like Restylane and Juvederm and adjust these with more or less filler being done, as well as the placement of the filler, so you can fill different areas and spaces at different times and adjust as your body and face age.